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How to Get Rid of Dog Gland smell on Furniture

One of the first things you must do to get rid of dog gland smell on furniture is to vacuum thoroughly. Don’t just vacuum the furniture; go under the table and into the crevices. This way, dirt will not trap the dog gland smell. Next, remove all fabric coverings. Then, vacuum the upholstery, including furniture covers.

Anal sac removal

If your furniture emits a strong dog odor, you might consider getting rid of your pet’s anal glands. These glands produce a foul smell, and while they are usually harmless to your pet, they can damage your furniture if you leave them in place. Here are some ways to get rid of the unpleasant odor:

Firstly, check for the cause of the odor. If the dog gland smell is coming from the anal sac, the problem may be due to an infection in the anal region. It is imperative to see your veterinarian, who will be able to determine the cause and give you the appropriate treatment. A warm compress used on the area may help as well. If these steps don’t work, you might want to try another option: buying a new piece of furniture.

How to Get Rid of Dog Gland smell on Furniture

Nature’s Miracle Advanced

Using a cleaner such as Nature’s Miracle Advanced to eliminate a dog gland odor on your furniture can effectively tackle this problem. Its enzyme-rich formula penetrates the carpet to neutralize the smell and is safe to use on hardwood and fabrics. However, it’s best to be careful when cleaning your furniture to avoid causing further damage.

You can also use the Odor-B-Gone products for furniture to get rid of odor caused by your pet. These products are safe to use on your table but are not suitable for direct application to your pets. The Best Carpet Cleaner for Dog Glands

Baking soda

If you don’t want to buy expensive odor removers for your furniture, you can use baking soda to absorb the odor. Spray some baking soda over the area, let it sit overnight, and then vacuum it up. It will absorb the smell and leave your furniture smelling fresh and clean again. If you have dog hair on your table, you can also sprinkle baking soda on it before you vacuum it up in the morning.

It works because baking soda has odor-absorbing properties. Sprinkle it liberally on the furniture that smells like dog urine. Leave it on for about 15 minutes, then vacuum it up. You can leave it on overnight, too. Baking soda also has antibacterial properties that can absorb the odor. If the smell persists, you can repeat the procedure. For upholstery, sprinkle baking soda on the surface of the upholstery and carpet.

Surgical procedure

If your furniture has a dog gland odor, there is an effective surgical procedure to eliminate the problem. A surgical procedure involves removing the dog gland. This operation is safe, and most dogs recover completely. It is the best way to eliminate dog gland smell on furniture. Vacuuming should include all furniture covers and crevices between the furniture pieces.

If your dog anally stinks, it is most likely a symptom of a dog gland disease, a condition characterized by an unpleasant odor coming from the dog’s rear. When a dog is afraid, it expresses its anal glands to distract an attacker. When this happens, the dog’s anal sac is inflamed, and the fluid inside will ooze out and create a stink.

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