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What to Feed Your Puppy With Parvo

After your puppy has contracted parvo, the first thing to do is to provide fluids. While your pup will survive for a short period without food, it will need fluids to recover. Your vet will most likely recommend Pedialyte, which chemists or major supermarkets can buy. It contains electrolytes, which are essential minerals for your puppy’s health. If your puppy is not already dehydrated, you can easily add a tablespoon to your puppy’s bowl.

boiled, skinless chicken breast

You can give your puppy with parvo a small amount of boiled, skinless chicken breast every few hours. You can blend the chicken and broth for a healthy and delicious meal. Or, you can serve your puppy with boiled chicken alone. Your puppy will not get ill from this simple meal, and it will be able to eat it.

When choosing the protein for your puppy, select a low-sodium variety. Don’t give your puppy broths containing onions and garlic. Use a chicken broth powder, like Native Pets Bone Broth powder. You can also feed your puppy plain boiled white rice or pasta, which puppies often prefer.

what to feed puppy with parvo


Aside from replacing lost fluids and electrolytes, Bullyade is also a great alternative to water for puppies with parvo. It is packed with essential vitamins and electrolytes to help support the body’s many functions. Dehydration is the leading cause of death among sick dogs, and it is important to replenish these nutrients quickly. Bullyade is also a great choice for hot summer days as a natural cooling agent.

One of the best benefits of Bullyade is that it is a good alternative for domestic use during the short course of a puppy’s parvo recovery. Its fine flavour makes it palatable for dogs that don’t have an appetite. Veterinary scientists have published numerous studies demonstrating the efficacy of flavoured electrolytes in dogs with parvo. As a result, Bullyade is an excellent choice for both homemade and store-bought canine food and a dietary supplement.

Reglan pills

Your veterinarian may have prescribed a course of Reglan pills for a puppy with parvo. This medication is a worm preventative and helps to slow intestinal motility. It’s also used to treat diarrhoea and vomiting. A dog with parvo isn’t likely to exhibit any of these symptoms, but you’ll still want to give your puppy some Pepto or medicine. Your veterinarian will probably prescribe an antibiotic as well.

The first stage of parvovirus infection in puppies is depression and anorexia, rapidly progressing to vomiting and diarrhoea. Sometimes, diarrhoea won’t show until a few days later. A puppy with parvo should be seen as soon as possible since any delay could lead to serious complications and even death. Your vet will administer a parvo vaccine to prevent further complications and help your puppy recover. Reglan is available over-the-counter at pet stores and pharmacies, and many vets will offer payment plans to existing clients.

When Can My Puppy Start Eating Dry Food?

High-calorie supplements

While there is no specific diet for puppies with parvo, veterinarian-recommended foods can be more appealing to a sick dog. While the vet’s recommendations are best, it is still important to use what works for your dog. The diet during treatment and recovery is not too dissimilar from those used for puppies after a successful recovery. It may be blander or more digestible, but it is still necessary for the puppy’s care.

Treatment for a parvovirus infection starts with supportive care. While the puppy may have a high fever and be vomiting yellow bile, it should regain appetite and eat independently. This may be difficult for your puppy, but it will be important for him to eat and retain their appetite. Your vet may recommend a special meal plan for your puppy, including high-calorie supplements.


You can feed Paxxin to a puppy with parvo as early as day three of its illness. You should give it every two hours as long as your puppy remains unable to eat independently. Then, you can feed him Paxxin four times a day until he is healthy enough to eat independently. In case of a relapse, you can continue giving Paxxin to your puppy every three or four hours until he can eat independently.

In 1997, Amber Technology created a natural formulation called Paxxin and Vibactra, fighting the deadly Parvovirus. This organic, natural formula contains 4 anti-microbials that calm the stomach and relieve diarrhoea and vomiting. Pain is not suitable for cats. While Pain and Vibactra are suitable for dogs, they are not recommended for cats. So, if you have a cat, it’s best to stay away from the Paxxin supplement, which contains the anti-microbials that can help your cat.

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